Read carefully:

The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all services offered to participants in the Summer Peace University program and are signed by the student through the school or through an intermediary (including universities).

  1. Registration
  • By registering you automatically accept the “General Terms and Conditions of Participation”.
  • Registration takes place online by filling out the form from the website
  • By registering at our school, the student undertakes to follow the course and to respect the internal regulations of the school .
  • To participate in the Master Class and/or request a scholarship, it is mandatory to be a member [MOU1] of the Pitagora Mundus Association ( you can read the statute here ). The participation fee as a member is included in the course registration costs or in the scholarship request. Joining as a member occurs upon arrival at the course venue.
  1. Age
    • Participation in the program and/or request for a scholarship is reserved for students over the age of 18.
  2. Payments
    • The first installment must be paid within 7 days of receiving the letter confirming registration for the course or awarding the requested scholarship, so that the registration confirmation becomes effective.
    • The balance must be paid within 30 days before the start of the course, without further notification from the school.
    • Payment methods
  • For eurozone students, payment by bank transfer is recommended. Together with the confirmation of the course/scholarship, the student also automatically receives the bank details. Commission costs are the responsibility of the student. A copy of your payment should be sent to
  • For students not belonging to the eurozone, payment by credit card is recommended on the dedicated platform also indicated on the confirmation letter of enrollment in the course/scholarship. Fees of 3% to be paid by the student.
  • Cash payment is exceptionally accepted only for “last minute” bookings; the payment in this case must be paid on the first day of the course at the secretarial office.
  • Other services booked after arrival (e.g. extensions, individual lessons, extra services or activities not offered within the cultural program as planned) can only be paid for in cash.

The student has the right to participate in the course only by providing proof of payment.
The stamp duty, in the amount of 2 euros, is applied to all invoices issued and is paid by the customer.

  1. Services included in the registration fee
  • Organization
  • Coordination general ;
  • Coordination and mediation services for cultural and social activities;
  • The presence of a tutor for the entire school period during the activities;
  • Secretarial service to provide administrative and logistical assistance to students;
  • Presentation of the weekly program with welcome aperitif;
  • Guided tour of the village.
  • Participation in the Master class:
    • Twenty (20) hours per week (Monday to Friday);
    • Lesson structure: four (4) hours a day in the morning for the development of the pedagogical contents of the course;
    • Qualified teachers from partner universities;

o   Interactive lessons in different cities as guests of the local institutions;

o   Final presentation of self-production;

o   Certificate recognized for each University partner.

  • Routes on Italian culture:

The educational course is developed through various lessons in order to discover Italian culture and territory.


  • These Italian Culture Lessons (Routes) will unfold in areas related to: local craftsmanship (ceramics, dance, etc.), food and wine culture (eg, pasta, bread, pizza, wine, oil, etc.), art history, literature , music, philosophy, history.
  • Excursions: Activities for exploring the territory (Travel and tours in different cities of the Calabria region in collaboration with local authorities and associations).


The tours are organized by the institute’s coordination, in collaboration with UNPLI (National Association Pro loco) and various public and private entities, partners of the program.


  • Material educational
    • At the beginning of the classroom course the student will receive:
      • 1 (one) block Notes
      • 1 (one) pen
      • 1 (one) pencil with eraser
      • book backpack
  • Accommodation
    • Students benefit from a residential service in shared accommodation;
    • All services are included in the registration fee.
  • Final presentation and certificate of participation
    • Students who have attended the minimum number of hours required (80% of the activities included in the official program) will access a final presentation of self-production in order to obtain the: Certificate of participation in the Summer Peace University.
  • Free transfer
    • Students enjoy free transport to all cultural activities organized and included in the official activity program.
  1. Accommodation
    Students benefit from the following residential services:
  • Shared apartment in double or triple rooms
  • Apartment with toilets (at least one bathroom for every four students) and kitchenette;
  • Residential items consisting of standard equipment and a bedroom kit consisting of:
  • n. 2 (two ) bed sheets;
  • n. 1 (one) pillowcase,
  • n. 1 (one) big towel,
  • n. 1 (one) face towel;
  • Room cleaning service: once a week;
  • Linen kit change service: once a week;
  • Men and women stay separately;
  • The accommodations are located in the historic center and the Acquaro area of Belvedere Marittimo.
  • Students cannot request a change of accommodation assigned to them.
  • Check-in is on the Sunday before the course starts and check-out on the Saturday after finishing the last lesson. Arrival and departure must be organized at the weekend. On the day of departure, the accommodation must be vacated by 10:00 in the morning.
  1. Insurance
    • Students are not insured either at school or in their accommodation in case of illness, accidents, theft or loss of personal valuables. Therefore we suggest to students to stipulate ad hoc insurance ;
    • It is recommended to take out insurance for illness, injury or accident during your stay in Italy;
    • We also recommend taking out trip cancellation insurance, which covers the costs of the course and accommodation in the event of cancellation before departure or in the event of early termination of the course (due to illness, accident, death of a family member, etc.).
  2. Entry visa
    • IsCaPI is not responsible for the issuance of the entry visa or for any delay in the procedure for obtaining the Italian visa and/or cancellation or delay of flights.
  3. Limitation of services
    • Public Holidays: on public holidays, as indicated in the calendar, no teaching activities are planned and the school will remain closed;
    • In any case, liability and reimbursement by the School for failure to provide or delayed provision of the service resulting from circumstances beyond its control or causes of force majeure including, by way of example but not limited to, disasters are excluded. natural, adverse atmospheric conditions, epidemics, pandemics, sabotage, fires, floods, earthquakes, strikes, faulty functioning resulting from the incorrect functioning of third-party electronic devices, telephone lines, electricity lines and global and/or national networks, such as, by way of example and without limitation, faults, overloads, interruptions and any other circumstance not attributable to the School which prevents the use of the service. Without prejudice to the above, and except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the School, the parties agree and mutually acknowledge that in any and all cases the School’s liability cannot exceed the sums paid by the student to the School for the supply of the service.
  4. Duration of the program
    The school offers a 4-week program as indicated in the registration form.
  5. Attendance at lessons
    Participation in the Master Class and Italian culture courses are mandatory. If the student cannot attend a lesson or cultural activity, he or she must communicate this to the person in charge of the course.
  6. Discipline
    • The School reserves the right to admit students who intend to enroll in the school’s courses. This right is also exercised during educational activities, in the event that a student is disrespectful towards other students or the school staff, resulting in exclusion and removal from lessons and the activities of other students. In such cases, the School has no obligation to ensure any reimbursement or cover expenses caused by such behavior.
    • Smoking and/or ingesting alcohol is strictly prohibited within the school facilities.
    • The accommodations are offered to the student exclusively to guarantee participation in the course.
    • The accommodation can be used by the student exclusively to guarantee participation in the activities in which he is registered.
    • It is forbidden to even temporarily host people who are not enrolled in the School’s activities.
    • School staff have the right to enter student accommodation upon adequate notice. Furthermore, it reserves the right to carry out occasional checks to verify that students respect the School’s regulations and conduct their accommodation appropriately.
    • Inappropriate use, removal and disposal of any equipment, furnishings and furnishings present in the accommodation in which the student is hosted is prohibited.
    • Any damage or breakages will require reimbursement by the student for restoration.
    • Students are responsible for the care, order and cleanliness of the entrusted accommodation.
    • The student is required to maintain the entrusted accommodation without causing any damage to it and must return it in the same state in which it was at the time of entry, i.e. with all possible furnishings present at the beginning of the course, and undamaged, with doors and intact windows, well painted walls, etc. If the student does not comply with this obligation, the School has the right to withhold the deposit paid at the beginning of the course either totally or partially.
  7. Changes
    The dates, times and contents of the courses can be changed if necessary. The official calendar will be given to the student at the beginning of the course.
  8. Liability
    The School is not responsible for any loss, theft, damage to student property on and/or off school facilities, as well as for injury or death.
  9. Reimbursement

The reservation is non-refundable under any circumstances, even in the case of cancellation, except when there are circumstances that prevent the course from taking place, for which IsCaPI is responsible.

  1. Privacy
    The student authorizes the School to use personal data to proceed with registration and to use demographic and statistical data for promotional purposes. The student can, according to European legislative guidelines (GDPR art. 13), request the deletion of personal data at any time. The student authorizes the School to publish photos and videos of the stay at school. If the participant does not agree, he can make it known on the first day of the course.




  1. Punctuality :
  • The student is required to be punctual for lessons and extra-curricular activities.
  1. Communication:
    • The student is strongly encouraged to report any suggestions or difficulties encountered to the organization.
  2. Respect:
    • It is the student’s responsibility to respect the surrounding environment.
    • Must show respect for local people and traditions, and for cultural, religious and gender diversity.
  3. Wellbeing:
    • Even in difficult times, the student is encouraged to maintain a positive attitude.
  4. Prohibitions:
    • It is strictly forbidden to return to the assigned rooms accompanied by people not belonging to the school.
    • Smoking and/or ingesting alcohol is strictly prohibited within the school facilities.
  5. Usage of the Accommodations:
    • The accommodations are offered to the student exclusively to guarantee participation in the course.
    • They can only be used to guarantee participation in the activities for which the student is registered.
  6. Keys and Locks:
    • Upon check in, the student will receive a key for the shared room and one for the front door/entrance door.
    • In case of loss, the student is responsible for the costs of replacing the locks and/or any copies.
  7. Silence:
    • The student must maintain silence during the established times: 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm and 11.30 pm – 7.00 am.
  8. Kitchen and Residential Kit:
    • Students will have access to a kitchen with stove, a refrigerator and a residential kit.
    • Any maintenance is the responsibility of the students staying in the accommodation.
    • The supply of consumer goods such as soaps, toilet paper, detergents, etc. is not foreseen.
  9. Responsibilities for the accommodation available to students:
    • Students are responsible for the care, order and cleanliness of the entrusted accommodation.
  10. Communications:
    • Students must use a specific phone number, which will be provided to them upon arrival, to send all requests to the school organization. All communications from the organization will be handled exclusively through a WhatsApp group, to which students will be added when they arrive at the school.
  11. Security Deposit:
    • Upon arrival, a security deposit of €20 is required, returned at the end of the course.
    • Any damage caused by students will be assessed and withheld from the deposit.
  12. Controls and Access:
    • School staff have the right to enter student accommodation upon adequate notice.
    • We reserve the right to carry out occasional checks to verify compliance with the regulation.
  13. Secretariat:
    • For any information, the secretariat receives from Monday and Friday, from 08.30 to 13.30.

Compliance with these rules is essential to ensure a positive and constructive experience during your stay in the student residence.


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